Archivi della categoria:28-06-2024
28-06-2007 Rod Stewart, dopo un caduta al Manchester City Stadium, riceve in ospedale 10 punti di sutura a una gamba.
di Albram, Coxon, James, Rowtree
The pay-me girl has had enough of the bleeps
So she takes the bus into the country
Although she got herself rosy cheeks
She didn’t leave enough money to pay the rent
The landlord says that she’s out in a week
What a shame she was just getting comfy
Now she’s eating chocolate to induce sleep
In a chemical world, it’s very, very, very cheap
And I don’t know about you
But they’re putting the holes in, yes, yes
It’s been a hell of a do
They’ve been putting the holes in, yes, yes
Peeping Thomas has a very nice view
Across the street at the exhibitionist
These townies they never speak to you
Just stick together so they never get lonely
Feeling lead, feeling quite light-headed
Had to sit down and have some sugary tea
In chemical world, in a chemical world
It’s very, very, very cheap
And I don’t know about you
But they’re putting the holes in, yes, yes
It’s been a hell of a do
They’ve been putting the holes in, yes, yes, yes…
28-06-1979 Nasce Tim McCord.
Nasce a Sacramento, in California, Tim McCord bassista degli EVANESCENCE dal 2006 .

28-06-1977 Nasce Mark Stoermer.
Nasce a Houston il bassista dei THE KILLERS Mark Stoermer.

28-06-1969 Si svolge a Bath, nel Somerset, il Festival del Blues con LED ZEPPELIN, FLEETWOOD MAC, TEN YEARS AFTER e NICE.
28-06-2019 Esce per la Nonesuch Records il nono album dei BLACK CROWES “Let’s rock”, registrato a Nashville.

Concerti del 28 giugno
28-06-1965 : Roma – The Beatles
28-06-1980 : Torino – Bob Marley
28-06-1986 : Monaco – Queen
28-06-2007 : Alba – Sepultura
28-06-2009 : Monza – Slipknot
28-06-2010 : Milano – Stone Temple Pilots
28-06-2013 : Torino – Muse
28-06-2018 : Padova – Billy Idol
13-03-1981 : Amy Lee
28-06-1979 : Tim McCord
05-09-1971 : Will Hunt
04-11-1968 : Troy McLawhorn
16-06-1983 : Jen Majura…